The Benefits of Sun-gazing

Our primary source of energy is the sun. It sends light photons that reach the Earth's surface in 8 minutes and 20 seconds. Despite the very well known fact that through the sun rays our resources of vitamin D in the body are increased, there are far more benefits of "consuming" sun rays in moderate amounts. The water is the secondary source of energy, because it is the first to receive the sun's energy, and therefore by drinking it we receive this energy as a secondary source. Fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs and raw grains are also the secondary sources of energy for our organism.The rest of the food sources are tertiary, but they can also be sources of empty calories due to over processing in industrial chains of production, that leads to breaking down and losing the necessary elements our body needs to function properly. Now, using the sun as a primary source, doesn't mean we should stand in the sun for days and for unlimited time periods and wait to b...