Ripple Effects and Entanglement

We are beings of energy. Our bodies are comprised of many layers. Each of these layers is a part of the whole, our being. As we can see on the image below, the first layer is our physical (material) also known as the etheric body. It is the envelope that holds all the biological machinery, so-called organism together. Here the neurobiological and hormonal processes work together to provide us with the experience of the existence in this material plane. The charge that stems from our neurobiological and the activity of the hormonal glands creates our emotional body. The energy from the emotional body can easily be noticed from our moods and it can be quite contagious because it tends to transfer to other people's emotional bodies. 
Moving outwards, there is our mental or the mind -consciousness body. This layer is composed of the energy discharges coming from thoughts. Every thought leaves a measurable energy imprint within our consciousness and it is widely believed that these imprints echo on a much higher universal plane of consciousness and tend to create materialized realities. Above all these layers, we have the spirit body or the soul - our own piece of the wholeness, the oneness, the universal consciousness. In order to experience the lower forms of expression, the soul enters the material body and a fusion takes place. The soul lights up the spark within the magic of existence. After experiencing the mortal body and every joy and suffering it has to offer, it returns to the oneness, the Holy consciousness. 
As we can see, we are not mere beings of flesh and blood but eternal beings of light which only seem to experience darkness in order to appreciate the brightness. 
Our soul is joyous when our material body coordinates and dances to the rhythm of the heartfelt emotion that produces a harmonious thought that spreads out in the universal consciousness. This energized thought creates powerful ripples into the fabric of the Space-time continuum. It is like a message sent to our creator and then received by the members of our Earth family. The continuum actually represents the unity of the three dimensions of the perceived Space with the fourth dimension that is Time. A unity like that, as described by the mathematician Herman Minkowski and his colleague the physicist Albert Einstein, very similarly describes the eternity in existence. Herman claims that " Space-doesn't evolve it simply exists". 
Let's get back to the capacity of thought for a bit. At MIT, two brain activity scanners have been developed to measure the brain activity. The first one is the fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) which measures the overall communication of the interacting neurons and the second, the more detailed one is the MRI represents a sensor that more closely and directly measures the messages passed between neurons by spotting the changes in the concentrations of dopamine. This is the way the thought is measured on a micro -magnetic level. By "talking" to each other the neurons emit neural energetic signals in the process of creating a thought. A bit less than 20 % of energy within the brain activity is used in thinking. Maybe that's not much but is a proof enough that our thoughts have magnetic transferable charge of energy. That is how our mental body is created, with a series of thoughts.
Now, the real question is, can we transfer our thoughts and feelings at a distance without using any technological communication devices? This kind of alludes to telepathy right, but this notion is supposed to have a far greater importance. As I've mentioned before, our essence, soul, eternal self, comes from the same source. The only difference is whether or not people are aware of that truth. In occasions when people have a similar, if not same energetic signature of their emotional and mental bodies, an unbreakable connection is established among them. This type of connection is no stranger to twins for example. Even though they are different people and perhaps even live apart from each other, the one feels the high - intensified feelings the other one experiences, like severe pain, bliss, excitement, joy, even anger, and anxiety. In terms, these people are irrefutably entangled. Entanglement, or "the spooky action at a distance" as Einstein called it for lack of better explanation, is the quantum state of two or more objects which even though are spatially separated, have the tendency to behave in reference to each other. These objects behave the same and it seems as though they are imitating each other, but without seeing each other. Certainly, a spooky and tingling notion, don't you think? 
Knowing that this kind of connection is readily available and explained by Quantum Physics, and realizing that we are living transmitters through our energy fields (the five bodies), we can easily guess what comes next in the future of communication. We already transmit and receive thoughts and feelings to and from our kindred spirits without even being aware of it. Maybe we are moving to a shift of awareness for this power we harness within ourselves. We sure have the talent and the rest would be practice. With a proper training of mindfulness and concentration, we soon would be able to send messages with our thoughts alone. And how is that for a super power. eh? 


  1. Telepathy �� kind of super energy one can send and another can feel �� universe is full of energy good or bad wishes or curse right or wrong it's there here it's just I wish we all can have good energy and can share goodness energy and can receive breathe good fair energy as an Earth family here......


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