Does Your Soul Choose Your Life In Advance?

So many struggles, so many obstacles, so many issues to solve, so much work to be done. 
Sometimes it seems you carry all this world on your back, doesn't it? Perhaps that is why, 
when you get older your body starts to lean down a bit from all that weight you have carried on your shoulders. Or is it maybe because that way you finally bow down to Earth in humbleness and reverence to show your gratitude for her embrace. 
Now the question is, why is everybody fighting different battles? Even more so, are those struggles chosen in advance by your soul while it prepares to materialize in your new body suit? Is it maybe, coming here and signing up to all these classes in order to learn new lessons in the school of life? 
Apparently, yes, our soul chooses her role in the play and it painstakingly chooses and matches all the scenes together before it arrives. And why? Well for it to grow in experience and wisdom of course. Nothing that happens is random and everything makes sense when we look at the existence this way. According to Nikkie Gray and many other dear souls who somehow were called to delve into this matter more deeply, the soul has a council of guides in the spiritual realm who aid us in making the proper choices in the next life according to the experiences from our past lives. 
 Now, for many of you this reincarnation idea may seem far fetched, but just ask yourselves, isn't there more to life than this, however blissful, amazing, fulfilling or neglecting, disappointing, down - bringing it may seem? 
Don't you think that the saying, " You Only Live Once" is just a silly and old idea in order to justify our weaknesses  and foolishness? 
There are multiple researches done on people, these days that really prove otherwise. Around 2,500 cases have been compiled, by the psychiatrists Stevenson and Tucker, of children out of which 70 percent have reported to have past lives memories. Having this knowledge can help us clarify a lot of conundrums we have and maybe, some mistakes we have repeated. Knowing this we can certainly breathe easily and observe every experience without judgment and further over - attachment to our problems. Having this in mind, we can detach from them more easily and acquire better balance. So, to all of you dear readers, don't take life too seriously, so much so you get stuck in loops of your mind for the seemingly unsolvable problems, but take it seriously enough for you are here to learn and you have homework to do. :) Blessings! 


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