Sound and Music shape Reality

Nothing that has been created ever stands still, everything is in constant vibrational motion. Everything moves, everything vibrates in this wondrous dance of life. There is a perpetual flow of events, encounters, actions, and reactions that occur in continual movement. We can notice this in the cycles as simple as the change of seasons, the sunrise and sunset, the cycle of life and death. Just pay a little attention to a simple flower and you will see this movement in action: the way it sprouts from its seed, the way it grows, saluting the sun, the way it blossoms in the most amazing colors, how it withers and in the end how it returns back to the womb of the soil and then the process starts all over again. Every natural cycle, including our own internal cycles, are guided and initially brought together by sound.
According to the most conventional definition, the sound is a vibration transmitted through a medium, mostly air that produces a simulation detected by our hearing apparatus.
On a deeper level of understanding, the sound is a vibration that shaped all existing energy in the creation of mass. It is like an invisible thread pulling all energy particles together in a creational ballet. Therefore all creation originates from the sound. Individually, the sound is formless, still, it gives form to existence. The blueprint, the code behind energy pattern of the palpable geometry is music and that code is expressed through the Harmonic Series. The Harmonic Series is a sequence of sounds represented by sinusoidal waves in which the frequency of each sound is an integer multiple of the lowest frequency. In better words, we can make an analogy with a TV series in which every episode adds up to the next in an attempt to reach the most exciting plot and encompass a whole season. Each sound creates a vibration of air particles that are called sound waves.

They have two essential properties that are The Amplitude and The Frequency. These, in terms, are the primary tools, sound works with while shaping reality. Amplitude is the size of the vibration which determines the loudness (the volume) of the sound and Frequency is the speed of the vibration which determines the pitch of the sound. Perhaps, sound itself is invisible, but its process of forming matter, thus making it visible can be clearly seen in the study of Cymatics. Cymatics is the study of visible sound, or better said, the sound made visible. The term was initially coined by the physician and natural scientists Hans Jenny. Since the observations made by Galileo Galilei and Robert Hooke in the 17th century, Ernst Chladni in the 18th century,  Hans Jenny in 1967, there have been thousands of experiments performed as a proof of the amazing abilities of sound.

Water, paste or other liquid is placed in a diaphragm or a membrane connected to a speaker, and it is vibrated using an amplifier for a better effect. As we can see, every different frequency played, points to a different sacred geometry pattern. Why are these patterns so sacred? Well, if we take a better look, we will notice some uncanny similarities to the patterns found in flowers, plants, the shells, the turtle's shield, the rotational patterns of the planets around the sun.
Finally, this magnificent vibration that breathes life in everything is not just here to be made visible through us as a self-realized, organized matter in motion, but it is also very well felt through music in each and every cell of our being.


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