Detachment: How to detach from your fears?

How to become your self-sustaining being without leaving anyone behind? 

No human being, no animal, no plant, not a single drop of water, not a single spark of fire, not a single breath of air is created to be by itself! Every element in the whole wide universe, every cell of the whole wide microcosm operates by combination and collaboration in order to give way for creation to take place and time. Even time is comprised of tiny little continuations of itself, small fractals that branch out in a large network. So why should we, as humans, as one of the greatest social beings intentionally detach from other humans and discard the rest of the world which is a part of us as we are a part of it?!? The need of togetherness is a very natural feeling and a very profound necessity. When we know this very well, when this is utterly obvious, then why are we still ignorant and throw out people so lightly, as they are a pair of old worn out socks?!?  
All of that happens because of our innermost,, inherited fear of commitment, fear of devotion, fear of us being "blinded" by the brightness of the real unconditional LovE! I understand that we are confused, because we are trapped by conditional programming by the imposed materialism, that needs to divide and conquer, a system which favors us to be lost and alone in order to govern more easily, and a system that makes us confuse the Love with Need! But it is only us who create our own struggles by not letting the divine flow run through us. The only things we should detach from are our own fears and our own judgments. Light will prevail, despite our own restrictions against it, for it is everlasting, shapeless, endless. It shines on its own yet it provides for all. It lights everyone's way, even though many prefer to flip the switch. 
There is a very simple trick in order to harness that divine flow and share it with others, like it is intended to, it is called BalancE! 
In order to get to know everyone better, first enter your own inner space, observe the collaboration process going on in whole of your organism, where no organ, no tissue, no cell operates on its own. They all may have different functions but yet they have learnt to cooperate to maintain our body. Everything is connected in the intricate dance of existence. Second, get out of your self, let go of your "I" of your Ego, and learn to listen to everyone with attention, learn to walk in their shoes, check out their perspectives. Listen carefully, without judgment, because you can learn something from everyone, don't just listen to respond, don't listen subjectively and selectively.
Observe the whole with your eyes and ears! Third, learn to accept the differences, be patient, don't jump to conclusions, because everyone has their own path to fulfill in the wholesome fractal existence. Last, but not least, just let everyone BE, let go of the urge to control and manipulate everything, an urge that has brought the world in shackles in the first place. Detach yourself from worry, from your inner insecurities, live and let the others live. Withdraw within from time to time, recharge on your own, and then return to charge the others with all your glory! Together we Thrive and for Togetherness we Strive! 


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