The Sacred and Personal Meaning of Numbers ( Part Two )

Without further a due, I will share with you my findings on the mentioned natural numbers from 0 to 9, explaining their sacred meanings and their guidance and manifestation in our lives. 

Zero is a void filled with both all and nothing. It is the super-consciousness within the singularity of creation and the eternal well without a bottom, in which all of it vanishes and reappears on the other side of the tunnel. It is the Cosmic Egg of eternity and the Absolute of the infinity. It is the everlasting energy of both the beginning and the end. In both the Buddhism and Taoism it is symbolized as the void and nothingness. In Islamic religion it is depicted as the Divine Essence. In Kabbalah it represents the Boundless, Limitless and Pythagora saw 0 as the Perfect, the Monad, the originator and the containor of everything. Because of these analogies it can not be assigned as a Life Path number. 
One is the point of all beginnings and the unity of all beings. It is the center of all the essence and the wholeness of all the hidden intelligence. It is the Father, the Creator, the first move, the initiative, the Embryo. In the Bible, as a cardinal number one represents unity and as an ordinal number it represents primacy. Number one also represents Jesus as The One mediator and the shepherd in the life of the Christian. As a Life Path number it provides these individuals with individuality, focus, originality, passion and a drive for taking initiative. 

Two implies the occurrence of polarity and duality, the Duad. It represents the reflections, the two opposite poles, the sun and the moon, the masculine and the 
feminine aspect, which are at first opposing but are in the end united. It is both the conflicting nature of humanity and their balance. It is the replication of reproduction and the illusion of separation. Among other meanings in the Bible it represents the two Testaments, the Old and the New, as well as the two aspects of Christ, he being of both natures, of God and of man. In Taoism it represents the duality and balance of Yin - Yang, wheres two is for Yin, the feminine aspect. In Budhism it is percieved as the duality of Samsara, the theory and practice, wisdom and method and in Hinduism the same better known as Shakta - Shakti.  As a life path number it represents a cooperative and a considerate individual always striving for harmony, togetherness and relationship.  

Three first and foremost represents the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy ghost, the Triad. It is the number of resurrection,  as Jesus resurrected on the third day. It depicts the third dimension, aka  the physical realm. In Africa Ashanti teachings three represents the moon goddess, who is comprised of three people, one white and two black. This number spurs a creative and imaginative consciousness which strives to overcome duality and to reach the true expression and manifestation. Within us, as humans it is represented as the body, the soul and the spirit. Within the world it is represented as the heaven, the earth and the waters. As a life path number it represents independent, playful and creative individual who is always striving for growth.

Four is the first solid number embodied in the geometric representation of the square. It also symbolizes the cross, the harmonious perfection as a number of support. It depicts the fourth dimension that transcends time, the four corners of the Earth, the four phases of the moon. Where three represents the soul, the four represents the body. There are four guardian angels standing on every of the four corners of the world. There are four rivers flowing in Paradise and four winds coming from each direction of Earth, represented with the Swastika (ancient Hindu and Native American symbol for balance and order). In Native American cultures the sacred ceremonies are performed in fours. As a life path number it shows a very grounded, materialistically driven individual who is prone to leadership and guidance.

Five is the number, closest to our human embodiment, our macrocosm in this realm. It is represented by the human, arms and legs stretched out, hence the human pentagram. This representation is inherited in Christianity since the Fall of men from the Garden of Eden. In Buddhism one of the most interesting symbolism of the number five is the heart that stretches out in five directions, whereas the heart itself is the center. This is also symbolically depicted in the Sacred Mountains encircled by the four islands. In Islamic religion, there are five daily times of prayer, five dogmas, five pillars of religion. Just as the circle, the pentagram is spread out endlessly, depicting the perfection and power. It is solidified in the five sides of the pyramid, which peak through the third dimension in its apex leading to the higher fifth dimensional plane. Despite being mostly connected to the five senses, it actually is the fifth element of Prana or life force, we have been sparked with. As a life path number it stands for adaptable, progressive, curious individuals, who are also very communicative. 
It continuous in part three.....


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