
Showing posts with the label dimensions

The Illusion Of Separation; Part One.

The arrival, the creation, and the senses.  Once upon a time, I was just a sparkle, a tiny speck of dust and light. floating in space. I couldn't grasp myself as a thing that is separate from all the enveloping spaciousness. I was at one with countless other puny particles. All of us were weaving an ongoing dance of unity, without any beginning nor end. One thing we liked to do back then was transforming, shape-shifting, experiencing new dimensions. As we were floating carelessly like that, we would swoosh down simultaneously and use our powerful attraction towards one another and first, we would create the force of gravity as a portal through which we would later transform into our planet Earth. Here, we became little seeds planted in the warm cavity of the womb. This place was both a stop, a peaceful home where we took some rest from our travels and a primordial nursery that helped us grow into this new self-realization. First, we were a gentle, cellular blob that gl

Seven Dreaming Travel Destinations

There is a way of travelling without leaving anywhere, without making a move. All you need is to close your eyes and get on the groovy night train or plane or bicycle, whatever your traveling preferences. All aboard!? Good! First and foremost, dreaming is a state in which we browse through our minds to dig out and review the memories of the day and classify them by importance and relevance. Therefore, even when we are asleep, our mind is at work. Hereby, the busiest employee within you is your subconscious mind. It works after hours when everything else is closed. To communicate with the owner of the traveling company (thus you) it uses a creative code of symbols and metaphors and it is mostly glad to receive the award for the best problem-solving employee in the history of thinking. So, there, you have just met the personal driver of your personal trip. Now let us look into a few destinations in our dreams it can take you to, and these, believe me, are limitless. You can go wh