The Sacred and Personal Meaning of Numbers ( Part Three )

Six  is the wonderful symbol embodied in the Merkabah field, the Star of Solomon. It is the ultimate unison of the male and the female aspects within the body, comprised of two joined triangles, the first one pointing upwards representing the male, the fire and the heavens, and the second one being the female pointing downwards towards the earth and the waters. According to the Hermetic principles, number six embraces the unique wholeness of things, " That which is Below is like unto that which is Above". In the Bible, man was created on the sixth day, and it is often times connected to the weakness of men and their six days a week of labor, till this day. As a life path number it is assigned to the nurturing individuals and the ones of service, who are very responsible and aware.

Seven is the profound aspect of the spiritual Triad that descended into the physical plane of the four elements (The incorporation of the holy trinity 3 within the human physical experience 4).  It represents the inner self the might of insight, of the ability to return inwards, deep into oneself. It is the key that unlocks Incarnation in this three dimensional plane and it is the center of the six directions of space ( up, down, and the four sides of the world). It symbolizes the Sabbath, the day of rest, of unwinding after the six days of creation. It is the Light of unity that bathes upon the Earth. One of the most divine representations of 7 is the Virginity of the Great Mother, the one who creates. In Nature and the Cosmos it symbolizes the seventh rays of the sun, that guide us through the passing from this world to the next, and the seven rays of the rainbow. In the Bible it represents the foundation of the God's word and it is the number of perfection and completion. As a life path number it is a bit of a conundrum for the people it represents, because they are a bit torn between vanity (every day life) and the choice of higher path of purpose. It represents intellectual, analytical, naturally intuitive and rather aloof and reserved individuals, the ones who are inclined to delve into spiritual topics. 

Eight is for Infinity and Resurrection. It is the mirror and the portal through which the soul eternally transcends. It is the divine circle, the aspect of self-reflection. Eight is the Octave the neutral resonance, the one that harmonizes both the lower and the higher vibration in the musical scale. It is the eternal dance of disappearing from and reappearing to the planes of existence. It solidifies into the octagon, whereas the square transforms into a circle, and vice versa. It represents solidarity, harmony, regeneration. In Christianity it represents the rebirth and renewal. In Buddhism it is completion. In Islamic religion it represents the throne that encompasses the world supported by eight angels. In Egyptian mythology it is the number of Thoth. It encompasses both the conscious and the unconscious mind as a part of the whole. As a life path number it stands for ambitious, stable, goal oriented, cautious individuals. They are balanced people who successfully harmonize both the spiritual and the material assets of life. 

Nine is the glorious number for divine finality, fulfillment, attainment and completion. It stands for the fruits of God's Holy spirit: Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long Suffering, Love, Peace and Self-control. It is the Tripple Triad, the ultimate Initiate of self - realization, the winner over Ego, the birth of Consciousness. When multiplied with any other number it totally cancels itself out, yet in further addition of the sum it persists (9 x 1= 9, 9 x 2 = 18/ 1+ 8 = 9, 9x3 = 27/ 2+ 7 = 9 and so on). In both Chinese and Buddhist traditions it is a celestial, angelic number. In the Mayan and Christian tradition it represents the nine circles of the underworld. In Kabalism it represents foundation and in Hebrew it is a symbol for pristine intelligence and truth.  As a life path number it depicts a very selfless and compassionate people, a natural guides and leaders and great humanitarians. The care deeply for every single life form on the planet and want eagerly to drive the world into a better tomorrow. 


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