The Sacred and Personal Meaning of Numbers ( Part One )

There is an intricate interconnection between the art of existence and the precise mathematical explanation for every stillness and every motion. Every number is but a thread in the web of life. Each of us are both woven into and the weavers of this existential network that binds us together. Each natural number, which is a digit from 0 to 9 represents a different perspective from the same source and creation is not possible without the implementation and combination of all of them. These digits do not convey creation nor meaning by themselves, but when they are consciously illuminated by the higher mind, the reason and the subtle field of the heart, they serve as vehicles for conveying and rationalizing the message each of us carry through the timelines. 
 "Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmations of the truth" - St. Augustine of Hippo (AD. 354 - 430). 
"From the singularity of the pre big - bang to the vastness of multiplicity iterating through infinity, numbers are fundamental to all substances, structures and laws of nature. They exist whether or not the human mind has defined them or not, as the inherent codices of creation" - Asa (Sonic Mysticism) 
Thus is no wonder human beings have sought answers in Numerology over the centuries and this infatuation is apparently on going. All the numerical impressions present in every culture, religion and teaching in   the world have been triggering the subconscious mind to perceive them as meaningful symbols or Life Path numbers guiding everyone through the all. There are so many amazing numerology approaches, such as the Latin alphabet systems, the Abjad (Arabic system of numerology), the Egyptian numerology, Indian numerology, the Chinese numerology, and they all use the respectable alphabet in the language, whereas different sets of letters match with different numbers. In modern day Pythagorean numerology is mostly used to calculate the Life Path number. In this approach all the digits of the birth date, including the birth year, are added together till we get a single digit. For example, if your birth date is 21.07.1956 - 2+1+0+7+1+9+5+6 = 31 = 3+1 =

Despite the skepticism by some of the churches or scientific organizations from the past, there is a strong presence of numerology in the Bible, as well as in many other ancient scriptures where certain numbers hold a very profound meaning. Nature itself, as one of the most sacred parts of the whole, contains within itself the numbers represented as dynamic shapes and states of transformation, hence the five platonic solids: the tetrahedron, the cube, the octohedron, the dodecahedron and icosohedron. Also, according to the Aquarian theosophy there are twelve divine rays of consciousness and each of us is enlightened with one of them before birth.
It continues in part two....


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