A Letter of Gratitude

To : All- seeing, All-knowing Creator of everything in the Universe Sender's Address : My lovely home Planet Earth Topic : Immense Gratitude Dear Creator I am writing you in order to reply to your calling. I am deeply grateful for each and every opportunity I have had. Thank you for giving me this body which I hope I do my best to keep healthy, furthermore, thank you for showing me ways how. Thank you for sharing a small piece of consciousness from you within my soul, I hope I do you justice. Thank you for creating my lovely home, Planet Earth and thank you for providing me with space for myself and an opportunity to make a living here.Thank you for my lovely and caring family who helped me, and is still helping me, find the right way and who have never stood in my way on the path of self-realization. Many thanks for my life partner and the best roommate so far, my husband, with whom I don't just share a home, but a large part of my life. Keep him s...