Seven Dreaming Travel Destinations

There is a way of travelling without leaving anywhere, without making a move. All you need is to close your eyes and get on the groovy night train or plane or bicycle, whatever your traveling preferences. All aboard!? Good!
First and foremost, dreaming is a state in which we browse through our minds to dig out and review the memories of the day and classify them by importance and relevance. Therefore, even when we are asleep, our mind is at work. Hereby, the busiest employee within you is your subconscious mind. It works after hours when everything else is closed. To communicate with the owner of the traveling company (thus you) it uses a creative code of symbols and metaphors and it is mostly glad to receive the award for the best problem-solving employee in the history of thinking. So, there, you have just met the personal driver of your personal trip.
Now let us look into a few destinations in our dreams it can take you to, and these, believe me, are limitless. You can go wherever you like and wherever you put your mind to, well your subconscious mind to be precise. Interestingly this fellow can take us very far, far from our physical body into other dimensions.

This, in terms, is our astral body that has a really phenomenal wanderlust and doesn't hesitate to take the trip and walk the path. It is the most awake and adventurous part of us that's most active when we are asleep. Having our astral body walk around in a dream land like this, we can reflect on many aspects of our existence. It is a free ride, for that matter. And now, I present to you the seven most visited places brought to you by Dreaming Travel Agency.

1. If you prefer places close and familiar to you and if you don't want to leave your close people behind, then you can gladly try out the Daily Life Travelling package. Maybe you want to have a chat that you haven't been able to finish when you were awake during the day, so here is an opportunity.

2. Maybe you question yourself about a certain issue and you can't seem to find an answer. Well, problem solved. Just step into the Problem Solving Cabin where you can relax and unwind. Here the solution will come to you with ease.

3. There are days when we feel more asleep when we are awake and something bugs us, but we can't really put the finger on what it is. It these cases, you can try our Recurring Trip that takes you to the same place over and over till you get the answer you seek.

4. Perhaps you have an ailment you are not aware of, or you are aware of, but you are not able to find the real way to deal with it. No worries, especially for you, we have prepared the Holiday Healing Package when we don't go very far but we return inside your body. In this case, your physical body communicates to your subconscious and shows you ways to heal, or warns you that there is something wrong with your health that needs attending to.

 5. If you are a fan of religious temples, practices, prophets, you can take the Belief Dreaming Trip where you can see a church of your imagination in the making, or about to be built, or maybe even arrange a meeting with a saint or an angel with an important message for you.
6. Surprise, surprise, you too can have a prophetic experience.
In this Prophetic Travel arrangement, we take you to a surprise location or an event that you will enjoy once again  within the next day or in some of the following days after you return to your physical body in the third dimensional realm. Dreams come true indeed.
7. And the last and the best offer this season so far is the Epic Dreaming Destination. This tour is unforgettable, so colorful, so fantastic with such melodic sounds and appearances, a movie like trip where you are the star. A trip of a lifetime, a can't miss.

As we can see, there are no places we can't visit and there is no place for worry if we are not able to go anywhere new this summer, because while dreaming we go somewhere new every night. Safe travels!


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