The Troubling Fellowship Face Off
Once upon a time, not so long ago a meeting was held at the Council of Consciousness.
Many people came knocking on this door. Out of the storm, looting inside and out, one by one they came and joined the meeting. What a sight it was to see all of them together in such a spacious vastness of a room with slightly dimmed lights and a few mirrors.
First came the little buddy Fright to theEAR, scared of everything and everyone, of every sight and every sound. He was afraid to even pass the threshold of this Council. He was fidgeting for a while when suddenly the little ANXina ETYna pushed him inside, rushing around the hall, looking for a place to fit her dissonant nature and endeavors.

Soon after, riding a lightning through the window, in came the big, fluffy ANdy GERtinson. ANXina was too much for him and she made him furious, erupting with volcanic fervor. So he pulled her down and shouted at her, so loudly his lungs could hold, telling her to finally sit down.
Then, on a drop of rain, through the blinds of a window, the blue fellow SADlittle NESSy slid down and sat on the corner by the window.After seeing the two previous guests fighting, he started sobbing quietly.
Quite an interesting group so far, I must say, but there were still more to come. After a while, like a shadow from the fog, wearing a dark robe, faceless, merciless, entered DEny PRESSureIsON. He was so dark, that he darkened the slightly dimmed room even more.

It seemed like he was floating in the air, being too big and heavy to fit in any of the chairs in there. So he remained like that, floating up there. Just from the other room, a cute little girl called DISy missedanAPPOINTMENT came thwarted by the sight of the floating shadow. "DEny, not again" - she said nervously and sat at the round table.

But after seeing LAry sitting next to IMPAIrment she just stood there and couldn't even move. Even worse was yet another girl, the same age as her, the dark green robbed ENny VYcenta. She couldn't stand the thought that the others made it here before her and found nice spots to sit in, which she didn't have at the time. She even tried to pull them out of their chairs, what a chaotic little woman. Always tired, always yawning and totally nonreactive and immovable, on one end of the table sat the dark haired APAx THYrkinson. He just sat there, sucking on his lollipop, watching the obvious craziness happening around him, without blinking an eye, nor two. What's more, he couldn't even pull out a tiny sigh about the surrounding and rioting goings on, he couldn't do it, even if he wanted to. After their arrivals, they all felt like prisoners waiting for something or someone, but they couldn't explain why they felt that way, because as they have seen this wasn't such an ugly and ill-designed room. On the contrary, it was so spacious and cozy, it felt like it was alive and breathing. Maybe that's how they simply were internally, and that was it.
Luckily, soon their wait was over. Suddenly a cool and refreshing wind blew inside the room. It was so strong it blew all the windows and doors open and strangely lit all the candles. It was the white master and the hostess of the council, the CONSCIOUSNESS herself. Such magnificence, such presence, non-defying power over all and everything. Everyone became stunned by this wondrous beauty and light. Fright to theEAr started shaking, but he didn't hide anymore. ANXina ETYna stopped fidgetting in an instant. The beasty boy, ANDy GERtinson became just like the candles, pertaining just a little flame form the top of his head, nothing more. He even looked cute this way. SADlittleNESSy whiped his eyes and turned gentle sky blue. DEny PRESSureisON raised his arms in front of his eyes in order to protect them as he couldn't stand such brightness, he simply wasn't used to it, it was so very new. DISSy missedanAPPOINTMENT stood up and gracefully bowed. She didn't miss this appointment after all. LAry ZINESSky didn't move from his chair and just smiled slouching in. JEAn LOUSYanne turned red in her face seeing LAry smile to the light.

ENny VYcenta tried to copy the light but all she could afford was to turn just slightly light green. APAx THYrkinson became good friends with LAry, evethough he coudln't grasp his smug smile, because he was still expressionless. "Welcome" - CONSCIOUSNESS said, "Welcome my children, worry not because this won't take long" She asked them to stand up and go to the mirrors one by one. "Go, face yourselves, see yourselves for what you really are" - she said in her soft melodic voice. Mesmerized they accepted her request and each of them stood in front of the mirrors.
Fright dissolved in bravery, ANxina became Serenity, ANdy switched his lighter off and turned to Peace, the blue SADlittleNESSy now became colorful HAPPYNESSy. DEny PRESSureisON just evaporated into thin air. DISSy finally had an APOOINTMENT with harmony, LAry managed to get up from the chair and became one really curious fellow. He curiously wanted to see what these mirrors were about.

IMPAirment ToItsENCEs realized exactly how PATIENT she actually was. JEAn LOUSYanne was no longer that lousy and became more confident.
ENny VYcenta lost her viscous greenery and started shining with appreciation. APAx THYrkinson managed to blew out his fringe aside and saw his beautiful face in the mirror glowing with purpose.
After standing in front of the mirrors for a while something peculiar occurred. One by one the guests vanished. Some turned into light, some evaporated, some dissolved, but none of them felt pain. They became nothing and yet one with everything. By facing themselves they liberated themselves. They tasted the real freedom, freed from their own demons.
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