Enter the Game of Life

Our society is full of imposed rules and regulations. You always have to belong to a certain institution, follow an established direction. It seems that you are expected to answer to the systems of the society for all your needs and behaviors. Everything in our, so called, modern lives seem in such an intricate order. Have you noticed the look of the cities from a bird's eye view?
When you look more closely and squint your eyes a bit, you notice they look like something very familiar very tech and symbolic to the modern day society. They look like a motherboard of a computer. Funny, isn't it?
Even the way our biological lifespan follows a certain pattern.
We begin at Level 1 - Birth. You come to this world with an amnesia-like condition. You are unaware of anything and anyone prior to this point of arrival. Once you are at this doorstep you can say that you have solemnly earned the right to become a player in the game called life. This is the purest, the most loving part of the game. You are the most favorite and nurtured player at this point. Your only obligation is to observe these new and exciting surroundings and look cute :). The right to move to Level 2 you earn through your parents and their capabilities and acquired stamina at their levels.
And here we are at Level 2 - Childhood. You still depend on your previous family unit to move to the next levels but now your mana (energy) is at the top. New dimensions are uncovered for you at this level. You interact with other players now to all of you the environment is a large exploration ground. The playing is so natural for you now and brick by brick, collected item by item, you build up enough experience you have gathered and quickly jump to Level 3 - Teenage Life.
"Eeeeh, Whatever" - is the most used phrase (though nothing really is "whatever" to you), your hormonal levels hit the top of the ceiling and the bottom of the floor. One day you want to conquer the world, the next you feel like all the world is plotting against you. You feel like you are in a purgatory, not here, not exactly there yet, you are in between, in a limbo, in a maze. When you see yourself in the mirror it seems like someone zoomed you in on a smartphone screen. You have grown and still growing through all the roughness of these experiences. This level is very important because your rebel self-starts to lift the veil of ignorance and starts to sense that it is a part of a scheme (some kind of program). Suddenly, from now on the game may take many different turns. Just like in the movie "Nerve" by Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost, you can be a "watcher" when you monitor and indulge into the countless events around you without directly participating in the ones that flow, you just go with that flow. Or you can be a "player" and accept, even create the numerous challenges in the game. Can you guess who the biggest developers and presenters of these game challenges are?
Well, even if you don't consider yourself as a renowned gamer you have certainly used a computer (or any other modern day device) that is a direct link to the media! Yes, that's right, the media is the biggest game presenter and changer. There you go, in this society, the media holds the invisible strings of the game, It has created and persistently creating boxes where the specifications of the characters are placed. The paradox is that the media controls the characters but the characters steer the media, therefore it is also a part of the bigger picture of the game.
There are players in "Need for Speed" who are constantly competing, are driven by ambition and always strive to be the first in everything. Also, there are the ones who like to solve the puzzle of everyday life and put everything together in place in a logical order. Others are strategically wired and like to "Command and Conquer" thus leading the hierarchy that they created in the game, to rule above others more easily. But sadly, there are the ones who receive the "Call of Duty" to create a
"Battlefield" that easily escalates in a "World of Warcraft", where they supposedly fight against the oppression of the Command. Regretfully, further in their fights, they come to realize that they are not in charge of this self-destructive fight but the ones in Command are, and this echelon actually had this distress in mind all along in order to divide and Conquer more easily. Such madness. And when the fervor of the fighters reaches unprecedented heights these "Dragons" are put in their "Dungeons".
And what about the most of the players, well they play the biggest consumerism game, blindly following all the merchandiser's offers and discounts.  Such a strange realization that you are maybe a pawn in a  strange "Sims"- like - game in this world, that you are a mere cogwheel in a global machine. You can easily notice that in the routine you are supposed to follow. But is this role of service (that more often than not becomes slavery), a role of obedience to a certain authority, your only right? It simply doesn't feel right. We forget ourselves in this service, we start taking everything so bluntly and seriously. We forget that, primarily, life is just a game of which we can adjust the rules, a play in which we write and arrange the script. We all have the right to knit our own webs, not just a few "chosen" ones to knit it for us because we are all chosen to be here and nothing is by chance.


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