Understanding Elevation and Regression

There are peculiar treasures that appear when we start digging through the dirt of our soul. It appears to be that we are an uncanny collection of the one that IS and the observer of what IS. Between these two conditions of life, within this realm and this body we inhabit, there is a thin line. Our consciousness is the one that pulls the strings of our being and our present condition depends solely on what tides would she turn the steering wheel towards. More often than not, we allow it to wander about in the outside projections of the mind-body and the emotional body. Now, what does that mean? Well, even though our autopilot, better known as the autonomous nervous system is running anyways, we stir our attention away from our physical body too easily and go about our days outside of it. Not literally of course, but we allow our mind to wander and to get lost in some repetitive patterns without giving it the honors of even slight concentration or a...