Understanding Elevation and Regression

There are peculiar treasures that appear when we start digging through the dirt of our soul. It appears to be that we are an uncanny collection of the one that IS and the observer of what IS. Between these two conditions of life, within this realm and this body we inhabit, there is a thin line. Our consciousness is the one that pulls the strings of our being and our present condition depends solely on what tides would she turn the steering wheel towards. 
More often than not, we allow it to wander about in the outside projections of the mind-body and the emotional body. Now, what does that mean? Well, even though our autopilot, better known as the autonomous nervous system is running anyways, we stir our attention away from our physical body too easily and go about our days outside of it. Not literally of course, but we allow our mind to wander and to get lost in some repetitive patterns without giving it the honors of even slight concentration or attention. As a result, our physical body  sends us signals,  even shout outs
that it has been forgotten about, whilst some part of our system crashes so badly, that our wings have not just been chopped off but even plunged from their roots. Now let's cut to the chase. We sure feel wonderful when our soul is in the right place, or at least it believes to be so when it is uplifted from the mere physical existence when it takes off in the search of some new dimensions and understanding, where it casts out the materialistic shell that bounds us here in the matrix. Of course, it is curious by nature, to see what's there behind the veil and when it realizes that the possibilities of discovery are infinite, it steps into a blissful condition known as elevation. How amazing would it be if this condition could be permanent and if the well of the soul would never see a drought again, but the existence actually equals motion and not stagnation? Therefore, nothing is permanent everything changes, everything flows. Even the brightest star in the peak of its existence reaches the point of 
elevation as a red giant, but because of the constant motion of creation, growth, and destruction, by universal law, it crashes down bursting its guts into a nebula, a new starting point, where creation starts from scratch and the red giant now regresses into a white dwarf. In human terms, when we experience the uttermost bliss of the soul, it seems it has nowhere left to go but to plunge down into a state of suffering and regression as a result.  Regression is a psychological state when in experiences of fear, anger, stress or trauma, in an attempt to escape this situation, we turn to some old forms of behaviors and feelings form our early age.  
This is our nebula, our ending and starting point. We surely realize that we are adults, we are very well aware of that but because of the previously mentioned traumatic experiences, we withdraw in the most hidden corners inside our bodies. This can be clearly noticed when certain childhood or teenage life memories emerge in the moments of displeasure of our adulthood. We start to ride this memory train backwards in the search for salvation and refuge from our everyday issues.  This is a conscious runaway attempt, but certain behaviors, such as biting our nails, irrational fear of everything that surrounds us, chewing a pen or a pencil, curling up in bed with our favorite childhood blankie, can be involuntary automatic responses. However, as I mentioned above, this state isn't permanent, and all we need to do is become more attentive to it, to climb into our inner observing tower. By observing our reactions, we can learn a lot more about ourselves that we might have missed out in the past. In other words using the regression into our old memories we can be present in the past.  So make yourself comfortable, there is nothing wrong in stepping back 
a little once in a while. This way we have the chance to become our own present student who takes notes from the past teacher during regression. Just observe, be attentive to your body's autonomous responses to these old - new experiences, notice each involuntary movement, every bloating, every cramp and nausea, they are all valuable pointers. Befriending your regression like this, and letting yourself to get to know it and yourself, better, provides you with valuable lessons for the further propper maintenance and self-care of yourself.  The most precious one is to learn to be conscious inside your body, inside your mind, and inside your soul at the same time and unite the three as a whole, thus avoiding the illusion of separation, that is the key of our suffering. Always Be Present and embrace every part of your being!  Love and Blessings! 


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