The Mind is not our Master

    How our mind fools us

We, humans, are such imaginative, thoughtful and emotional creatures. We are programmers of our own realities, realities we have made up. We are so perfect at this programming in advance, that we manage to relive some scenes in our minds over and over before they even materialize into this reality. What's more, they sometimes don't materialize, yet in our heads, they seem so real.We are unfathomably great at imagining stories and lies, that we end up believing in them. 
All of this behavior, overthinking tendency, the habit of replaying and rewinding scenes in the mind stems from our societally imposed fears that we won't fit in the program or matrix we have collectively created as a global mental body of the Earth. But isn't FEAR only False Evidence Appearing Real? And how does one create such evidence? It is actually a process of mentally collecting clue after clue that in the end appears like clutter or jumble of thoughts that induce strain on the straight thinking process. One single thought, though is like a light autumn breeze or a light tiny cloud, it comes and goes, it just flows. However, if we direct our intention to blow harder, this light breeze can turn into a hurricane, and if we condense more and more vapor, a rather cloudy sky with a chance of thunderstorm appears in our head, even if we can clearly see that the day is bright and sunny. What's more, if we emotionally charge a thought it feels even more believable. This thought that transfers from the mental into our emotional body is a form of energy, transferable to other beings. 
I know it is sometimes hard to always be present and conscious, and bring each of these thoughts into awareness, but we can at least try to recognize their meaning, their intensity, and their purpose. It is useful to conquer the wilderness of mind with simple mindfulness. 
Now, I know that maybe we are not advanced enough (at least not all of us) to directly read other peoples' thoughts, but we can certainly feel their energy, as I mentioned above. This is especially true for the highly sensitive people and empaths, who are actually very open and caring people. If they don't learn to shield themselves they would easily become a dustbin of emotional charges received from the others. 
When they naturally sympathize with the other people. they pick up their vibes unintentionally so they may come to a point when they start to mimic the senders' behaviors and feel their feelings. In order to channelize these abundant incoming energies, they need a lot of time on their own in quiet and sometimes in a dark room without any screens or electronic devices on. Without knowing so, we all have these abilities, maybe with different intensity, and if we don't cleanse ourselves we can become weak and conditioned to live inside our heads. 
In such state of weakness, the first thing we do is, we fool ourselves into believing that the main conductor of the organism's orchestra is the mind, thus forgetting to listen to all of the signals our bodies send us a warning. Our bodies are unities of their own, they are in perfect sync whereas all the organs, muscles and tissues communicate with each other and the brain is just one of them and we shouldn't let it subordinate the other members of the orchestra. When we start living from a mental perspective and actually begin serving our sentence in the "brain cell", our body starts to feel left out and it reacts in forms of injuries and diseases. These maybe unfortunate states of our body, are just a shout out, a protest by all the inhabitants in the body against the brain, as they want to regain the unifying state of working and being. One such analogy can be made with the world's power hungry so called "elite", that it has imagined itself into being in a separate position of power, raining over the global mental body. Because of this element, that is nothing more than just that  - an element, is materialistic and power-obsessed, the rest of the global elements suffer and deteriorate in a diseased and unbalanced state of being. Just like the tiresome body, the people of the world send shout outs and signals to the global brain, requiring for it to step down from the high observing tower, to turn around and step into unity. All the people of the world, all the animals, all the flora. all the soil, every grain of sand, each drop of water, including this artificially created global mind, all belong to one unity, to one body. As we learn to live from within this unity, when we start to listen to our bodies as a whole, to listen to what each and every member has to say, only when we synchronize our own inner rhythms, only then would we gain enough strength to synchronize our higher selves with our planet Earth. Only then would we return to the state of harmony. 


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