Blurred Vision Television

Why are we as humans so prone to find ways of escaping reality? Within the course of the known history, we have always had the urge to observe, to explore and comprehend the world around us. The only problem is that with this observation we have slowly forgotten that we are part of the creation and have slipped into separation. It has always been easier to "'monitor" everyone and everything else in the presumably external world than to turn the camera inwards and "record" our inner world. 
Due to this knowledge, that people are prone to "outrospection", the modern society witnessed the booming of the technological era. It all began in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century when a new form of art was born. Behold the Motion Picture. It is funny how with a simple play of lights such baffling illusions are created. They capture your mind into a box of pixelated images which leave no one at ease. The TV has become a convenient window, that opens easily with a flip of a switch, and it promises to transport us to the world and beyond from the comfort of our living room. What a smart hypnotist and illusionist that continuously programs and reprograms our behaviors, preferences, needs, perceptions and more often that not spurs our  unrealistic expectations. It provides us with the ultimate mind numbing relaxation, with the platinum package of mind massage signed, sealed, delivered into our homes with our consent. Why go to the gallery, when I can vitness all the beauty and ugliness of the matrix right next to my warm fireplace. Why go out and explore the real face of nature when I can scoop on the readily made documentaries without moving a muscle (except maybe our thumbs and eyeballs :)) It seems like we are being unconsciously infused with a sedative for the mind  that allows our will to be manipulated to such extent where we keep driving the same systems forward and keep dreaming of climbing the sickeningly imposed corporate ladder. 

Now, I am curious, as a child making it's first steps and gaining momentum in its curiosity and thirst for knowledge. I am curious to break down this technology toy to its simplest and smallest bits, in order to find out how does it toy with us, the ones who are supposedly conscious and frivolous. Also I really want to know, have we become so accustomed to it, that we have allowed it to turn us one against the other? Why are we still allowing it to point out and enhance our differences, even though we are one? Why has it dumbed us down to apathy where we phase off our loved ones, our nearest ones, our family of fellow humans? 

Here is briefly how it works. The sound and picture signals are captured by a camera and  are later transmitted through the air using large aerials or antennas. These signals are carried by the radio waves (invisible electromagnetic waves) to our receivers (the TV sets). The receivers capture the sound and still pictures one by one very fast, and then patches them together in frames shown to us as they are moving. The videos are actually sets of quickly moving pictures, hence the illusion. 
In the old cathode ray tube TV sets, the sound signal is separately recorded and captured by a loudspeaker, while the picture signal is sent to a circuit of a cathode ray tube that fires up a set of negatively charged electrons guided by the electromagnets which scan and paint the received picture line by line. 
(To learn more about the new innovative ways of creating TV illusion go to this link -

These electromagnetic waves have very low intensity and are not that  much harmful to the biological tissue according to Amir Raz, at Columbia University, but the way the signals are transmitted changes  (source- our brain wave patterns. When we are awake our mind is into the Betta brain wave mode, one when we are alert, perceptive, able to problem solve and tackle any cognitive task diligently. 
After we turn on the TV our mind steps into the Alpha brain wave mode, a relaxed state when we are the most effectively receptive and hypnotized. The corporate companies know this fact very well so they use it to bombard us with commercials and violently infused programs to induce our primordial flight or fight responses. In conclusion, the electromagnetic radiation is not as harmful as the hypnotic content they are offering us. 

The television could be a blessing, only if it served the goal most sacred off all, to unite us. The media would be our ally only if it let every soul on Earth to tell its unbiased story and if it stopped with the hyper-imposed programming of violence and opportunism. Let us find the real purpose of this digital art form while finding the real reality into the virtual one. May we be real mediums in the media, and reprogram it into a program of growth, prosperity to all and finally some good news. 


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