Celebrate the Feminine Energies

This is sacred day when we, women remember our struggles, our strengths, our crumbling and our growth. The 8th of March contains a profound number, the 8, the number of infinity, so let us allow our infinite feminine energies, infinitely flow and fulfill every pore of our being and every crack of our Mother Earth with our nurturing Love and Light. Dear women, today, and each day on, embrace the femininity within, grasp and notice every feeling and emotion that vibrates through your cells. Dear men, enjoy the profound female presence of your lovely mothers, teachers, wives, girlfriends, friends and daughters with ease, without fear, with the utmost respect. Just observe the beauty of the female existence in your lives, without judgement, without feeling threatened by their freedom of expression and without pressure. 
Girls, stop pressuring yourselves too, stop falling in the consumerism's trap that you're not good enough, beautiful enough, or worthy enough and stop believing that somehow you need to be fixed! You are the curve, the circle, the wobbly line that makes the life on Earth whole, being a whole, total and complete being by yourself, therefore you are the sacred embodiment of beauty and wisdom. You are the portal through which the eternal soul receives a body in this plane of existence, so don't be humble, don't act so small, but be exuberant and amazed by your existence. Stop behaving competitively towards other women, towards your fellow men, your Life is Not a competition, instead all of you join together in Compassion and nurture one another into thriving and abundance! May this day be a reminder to us all, to openly welcome ourselves as we are, to fiercely take care and pamper our feminine energy and widely spread it as a healing manifestation to this materialistic and broken society. Our internal, instinctive, gut power must not be suppressed! So may we all, as PeoplE, openly join together within this wonderful celebration of the feminine, because only in unison shall we heal our world! 


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