12 Mighty Mudras for Mighty Well-being

Our bodies are powerful receivers and transmitters of energy. We give off energy to the surroundings and at the same time receive the abundant energy from it. We literally hold our organism in the palm of our hands, therefore holding all the elements out of which we've been comprised. If you turn your attention and presence to your palms, you can easily notice and feel the flow in them. Just try rubbing them together, you will feel a powerful healing charge that you can conduct to a part of your body that needs betterment. In order to channel the healing energy properly, we can use Mudras.
Mudras are usually regarded to be hand positions or gestures that are used to guide the energy flow within our bodies. They are very handy in meditation and yoga practices when we return deeply within ourselves to calm the tides and energize the lows. The advanced Yogis use 100 or even more known mudras along with asanas (yoga positions) they practice. We can start harnessing the power of 12 Mudras for a start :).

The elements at our fingertips 

The wise yoga practitioners know that each finger of our hand is connected to an element. While combing the Mudras they have learned to balance the five elements: 
The Thumb is connected to Fire
the Index finger is connected to Air, 
the Middle finger to Space
the Ring Finger with Earth and 
the Little Finger with Water.  

1. Anjali Mudra - Prayer (Salutation) Position 

It is a simple and well - known gesture where you put your palms together in front of your chest, (sternum). You are gently joining your hands, pressing them together, like in prayer. This Mudra is usually done in standing or (comfortable) sitting position. This gesture is said to open your heart chakra, to bring your mind into the state of awareness, to soothe your brain and lower anxiety and stress.

2. Gyan Mudra 

One of the most popular gestures used in meditations. You join the tip of your thumb and your index finger, while the other three fingers remain straight and relaxed. It is usually done with both hands while sitting in lotus position. This mudra can help you improve your concentration and memory while giving you insight into certain issues. 

3. Shuni Mudra 

This one is also a very simple mudra, yet very powerful. It is done when you join the tip of your ring finger with the tip of your thumb, while the other fingers are facing upwards. For a better connection, you need to use both hands like this for a couple of minutes. It helps you clear your feelings, sensory sentiments, gather your thoughts and sharpen your intuition. 

4. Surya Mudra 

It is known for enlarging the solar element within. It is done in a way you bend your ring finger to the base of the thumb while the thumb holds the ring finger's knuckle. With this gesture, you can increase the core body temperature, improve the work of your digestive system and your metabolism and lower the feeling of bloatedness and heaviness. 

5. Vayu Mudra 

Perhaps it seems a bit similar to Gyan, but it has some important differences. In this one, you join the thumb to the knuckle of the index finger, but make sure you don't press too hard, just hold it gently. This hand position can help you with some abdominal disorders like bloatedness, flatulence, joint pain and some air imbalances. 

6. Buddhi Mudra 

A very insightful mudra, that opens up your subconscious mind. It is performed when you join the tip of your thumb with the tip of your little finger ( pinky), while the other fingers are up straight. It is very helpful when you seek a better understanding of your dreams or meditative intuitive messages. It provides you with better clarity. 

7. Prana Mudra 

As the name itself reveals its meaning, it is a very meaningful gesture, if not one of the most meaningful. You have probably seen it used by a lot of saints like Christ and Buddha. You perform it while joining the tip of your thumb to the tips of the ring and little finger. The other ones are facing upwards. This mudra has the power to awaken the sleeping and stale power inside your body. It represents the vital force in the living creatures. 

8. Apanama Mudra 

Even though the meaning of this mudra and its use has been distorted by the mainstream media, it actually means the opposite of supporting the foul. As you can see, this gesture is performed by joining your ring and middle finger to the tip of your thumb. It is a position that can help you gain mental clarity and improve physical digestion. It alleviates the process of discarding the emotional and physical waste material from your body. 

9. Rudra Mudra 

A very empowering mudra connected to your core or solar plexus in your body. The name "Rudra" represents "Lord" in Sanskrit. and it is associated with your inner transformative abilities. You perform it by joining the tips of your index and ring finger to the tip of your thumb while keeping the other ones as straight as possible. This gesture helps you lessen the exhaustion, dizziness, chronic tension in your body and simultaneously empowering your highest potentials. 

10. Ahamkara Mudra 

This gesture is very helpful for overcoming insecurities. You perform it by slightly bending the index finger where the thumb touches the middle part of it. The rest of the fingers are held straight.  While holding it for a couple of minutes, you can fight off your fear and shyness, meanwhile increasing your confidence and assertiveness. 

11. Hakini Mudra

One of the most unconsciously used mudras by almost everyone. It is often used as a gesture while communicating or discussing a certain matter at hand that needs more concentration. That is actually the purpose of this position. It is simply performed when you join the tips of all the fingers to the fingers of your corresponding hand. 

12. Dhyana Mudra 

Like the previous gesture, this mudra is also very profound and gives you a bit deeper inner concentration. It is performed when you gently place the right hand on top of your left palm, while they are facing upwards. Join the tips of both thumbs together. This position can bring you into a serene and tranquil state because it somehow balances the world of the higher spirituality (represented by the right hand) and the material and the illusory world, the Maya ( represented by the left hand). 

These mudras are just a few of the many you can use in your practice for improving your well - being. Try to use this knowledge wisely, because your health of body and clarity of spirit and mind lies in your hands.


  1. number 8 was adopted into metal music by Ronnie James Dio. It's a warding off of the evil eye. maybe you are correct about where it came from but it was picked up by other cultures to ward off evil and that's the symbolism it represents in rock and roll it was never meant to represent evil that's a common misconception.


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