Zodiac in a Uniform;

The Story of the Star Children in the Morning. 

Life is an intricate phenomenon with constant and ongoing motion. The only thing more interesting than the wonder and awe caused by the observation of the life in motion is the art of storytelling, the theatricality, that we as ultimate role players tend to have inherited from our ancestors. Each of those roles, though we play out according to our own immediate perceptions and understandings of the reality. As all of you may have heard many times so far, we are children of the stars, born from stardust that spread across the universe eons ago. From that Stardust, the seeds of life have been planted to our planet too, among many others, so it is no wonder we sometimes may reflect on, and seek for answers up there in our starry origins. 
Now, let's be clear about a thing or two. My intentions with this read are neither to tell your stories for you nor to impose some kind of belief. Also, I would not peer into the future for you, no, this is not that kind of read, you know, but it is rather a storytelling attempt on my behalf as a little speck of stardust among all of you other specks out there, to lightheartedly spread some cheer and vividness in the gloom of everyday lives of us all. Because isn't that the core purpose of the stories we tell after all. So without further a due, here it goes..... hm..hmm. (clears throat) 
In the city of ZOD, in the neighborhood of IAC on Astro Street 2/10, in a vast 12 bedroom house, under the stars, there lived 12 housemates, each with a temper of their own.
It was a gloomy morning, just like any other and here is how they started it and handled it. The ARIES door opened first, he was standing there straight up, firmly on his own two feet, like a soldier in command ready for every challenge to meet and every neighbor to greet. What a sight he was indeed, with that feistiness and readiness to take on the new day. His next-door roomie CAPRI had its CORN already popped and ready from the night before because he, as a diligent and disciplined fellow, didn't want any surprises to make him mellow. His job was his life and without any strife he devoted himself to work hard without any disregard. Before he went off to start the day, he knocked on lady VIRGO's door to wake her up. To no surprise, she was already up
and not only did she got herself neatly and carefully dressed up, she somehow found the time to water the plants, organize her drawers, even to sweep a bit under the rug and vacuum here and there. This was I must say, one of her better days, because if it was otherwise she wouldn't bother to get up at all. All that rumbling, hustle and bustle woke up and annoyed the grumpy TAURUS who had snoozed the alarm clock twice already. It was hard for him to leave the sweet comfort of his lovely bed. But when he found his strength and will to get up, buried somewhere under his blankets, he jumped up and told her off about all that noise.
Moving on to the kitchen he snorted and asked the no less grouchy CANCER, what' s for breakfast. Without any intent to reply, with one hand scrambling another set of eggs and the other rubbing his still sleepy eyes he just pointed his chin towards the dining table. He didn't say any word, but he thought: " There it is, right in front of your snout, can't you see it, now don't bother me." Meanwhile, the elegant LIBRA didn't hesitate one bit but got up immediately after the first sound of the alarm and occupied the bathroom all for herself, where she enjoyed herself while grooming and combing every fiber of her hair and relishing all the beauty she had to offer,
every new tightened muscle, every new smoothed surface on her body. The SCORPIO was standing outside the bathroom door, grunting impatiently at this vanity fair that was going on, but only because he was taking up too much of her assigned mirror time. In between, she made herself a strong, black cup of coffee to match and lift her mood, and tried to ignore and avoid the chatty GEMINI by looking down at the smart-screen, pretending to read some news.   
But the talkative GEMINI didn't give up that easily and strode off through the hallway in her fruity pajamas in order to find someone to chat with, or at least to find a better connection to get online and find what went on in the gossipy world. Soon after, a friendly arrow of amusement flew past him from the fellow SAGITTARIUS who gladly joined him in his funny and yappy endeavors. They talked all morning about the beauty of the world, jumping from one topic to another, which caused the SAGITTARIUS to forget what time it was and to almost miss his bus to work. Luckily he was all dressed up and ready to go. Right next door, the PISCES was still trying to 
figure out if she was still dreaming or not. She could hear everything and everyone, but couldn't seem to find the strength and will to dive off, from the lovely dreamy seas of sleep into the dry and harsh world out there. Without no more hesitation, she swam off once again into the sheets and the blanket. Something similar went on in the AQUARIAN room too.To this buddy, it was rather unclear whether it was still the night before or the morning after, because the last thought in his head, somehow found its way back.
And how about that freaky dream, oh boy, did it made him think and think, over and over, and so much for the well-deserved sleep. Oooh, it would be so much easier if the morning started a bit later for this guy. If his friend LEO could find his mane anywhere this morning, he would gladly high five the AQUARIAN for the morningless idea. He despised the morning, he couldn't turn the spotlight that easily now and thought to himself: 
" Why do I have to follow all those silly imposed rules, when I should be making them on my own terms." In between a roar and a yawn, he stretched out and tried to put at least one of his paws out of bed. 

* All the characters in the story are just that, fictitious characters, and all the similarities are entirely coincidental. 


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