Zodiac in a Uniform;

The Story of the Star Children in the Morning. Life is an intricate phenomenon with constant and ongoing motion. The only thing more interesting than the wonder and awe caused by the observation of the life in motion is the art of storytelling, the theatricality, that we as ultimate role players tend to have inherited from our ancestors. Each of those roles, though we play out according to our own immediate perceptions and understandings of the reality. As all of you may have heard many times so far, we are children of the stars, born from stardust that spread across the universe eons ago. From that Stardust, the seeds of life have been planted to our planet too, among many others, so it is no wonder we sometimes may reflect on, and seek for answers up there in our starry origins. Now, let's be clear about a thing or two. My intentions with this read are neither to tell your stories for you nor to impose some kind of belief. Also, I would not peer into the fu...