About Multiple Parallel Realities

Our life is like a puzzle, a continuous scrabble with billions of pieces we are trying to assemble together day after day. Each of these pieces is the right one, there is no wrong piece, but the important thing is to use it properly and match it correctly. However, there are days when we feel like we have chosen the wrong piece when we think we made the wrong move and as a result, everything seems to be falling apart, just like a misplaced card in a house of cards. But as I said before, that is just how we feel and that is just how it seems. Once again, there is no wrong move, because all of these moves exist simultaneously. Just picture a movie in its raw form, a set of scenes 
packed tightly on a tape, coiled upon a reel in a can. In such a state each of the scenes recorded on the tape seems to be touching within the reel and if shown just like this on screen it would seem that the scenes are happening simultaneously. What if our existence is unfolding from such a reel, where every possible cause can induce every imaginable effect at the same time. That would only happen if we step out from the linear time flowing concept for a bit. A rather confusing and an exciting idea I know!. :) Let's imagine or simply recall an important decision we had to make. For example, you had an enticing offer to work and study while traveling abroad or to stay put in your safe haven and work from nine to five with a month to month guaranteed salary. Let's say you have chosen the work and travel option and by now you have seen it all and feel a bit homesick, yearning for a permanent home, one cozy bed, and a warm pillow. Maybe in some down moments, you would feel like you have made the wrong choice, but believe me, there is another person miles away that made the decision you didn't and is somehow feeling down too, wishing he/she made the opposite, the one you made. What if I tell you that, that person is actually your beloved self, living and experiencing every possible outcome of every possible situation set in motion available in the parallel universes. 
According to the quantum theory of parallel universes, there are multiple overlapping universes that interact with one another on a quantum level. This rather Sci - fi notion suggest that all the possibilities would be realized within the realities of each overlapping universe and that even a certain situation in our reality is being played out with another result in the parallel universe. Far fetched or not, it is a very exhilarating and liberating thought, one that suggests that maybe out there somewhere is another you that have made the choices you thought you were supposed to and is now experiencing the following consequences. Even if it is a "What If" fantasy, just think about it, how many things are out there unknown and are slowly but surely uncovering themselves before our curiosity and revealing before our thirst for knowledge. And with every discovery ever made, billions more await to be discovered. Bear that thought in mind because it is both thriving, as it drives us forward in the knowing, and humbling, as it makes us realize how much we are stranded in the unknowing. And somewhere in between, there we are, magnificent beings, with everything we need that already lies within. Rejoice and allow the natural flow of life fill every nook and cranny of your being, because ultimately, and at least in this reality something is for sure, you are the one in charge and you are the one always able to pull the necessary string. 


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