The Illusion Of Separation; Part Two.

The birth, the conditioning, and the (dis)connection

They say the biggest lessons we learn are the most intense and profound ones. It is engraved in our nature to evolve and transcend from one state to another. Our playfulness and natural curiosity always lead us to new sparkling beginnings. 
And that was just how we came to be. Even though we were one with our nurturing home for some time when our senses developed with the right amount of sensitivity, we felt the light from some unknown space outside enticing us to come out.
That is how we reached out to touch the light and took our first breath in this new dimension. We were both excited and helpless, as we still couldn't move on our own here. The greatest comfort came to us, while we were held in our loving mother's and strong father's arms. These moments were so pleasant because they represented the most familiar synchronization we were so used to in our previous state. Right then we so flowingly synched our breathing and our heartbeat with our guardians on this plane, once again we connected as one with the family unity just like before. 

Even our surroundings were still a haze - like, flickering fog, as we yet couldn't see well in order to distinguish any separation from it. Our tiny arms were extensions of our parent's arms, our growing hair was a collection of all the waves of existence rippled by the winds of life. And then we grew, our senses became clearer, sharper and we started to perceive our environment as more solid. Every day new connections among our neurons were established as we were taking new steps through knowledge and exploration. Unfortunately, this was when and this was where the conditioning of separation began. 
First of all, we were named, we were given a code, a birth certificate through which we were labeled as nothing more than just another flesh in society. But it didn't matter, we couldn't blame anyone because they were labeled this way too. As time went by, they taught us to count and to distinguish that our own body is a unit too, comprised of a certain number of separate units. So we started to identify with it, as an individual, a separate body. As they taught us to speak and to walk, we were already too deep with the materialization process. The urge to become individualistic, separate and distant from our closest ones was getting strong and subconsciously this behavior deeply annoyed them, but they couldn't really point the finger why.
 They thought that it is a normal process of growing up and just stepped aside, yet the uneasy feeling stuck with them. Interestingly, in this process, we felt a different urge too. This one was quite the opposite of our need to differ and be left alone, as we were pulled by the gravitational force of togetherness and companionship. The carnal need to belong to a group arose so deeply that it represented the center of our world. However, as our frequency changed, so changed our friendships and our connections over time, and it is no wonder we felt so much pain when we would lose each of them one by one. It was an intense, almost physical pain. The loss and rejection pierced us like a sharp needle directly into our hearts. Even though it hurt so much, there was a hint hidden behind it, a clue of something long forgotten,  something so natural to us, that made the separation feel like
something utterly preposterous. As a part of nature and everything, we would quickly regenerate and return to the world we now perceived as something outside of us, and we would continue our everlasting search for that lost clue. On the way, we were conditioned to believe that everyone is different, that there are us versus them, different races, different beliefs, even more. This baffled us to confusion and often times made us sick. In those weak moments, when we would fall ill, we would realize that something is off. How can we be lead to believe and so determinately convinced that we are that different from each other? Didn't we have the same flesh, blood, bones, soul? So we withdrew and became nonjudgmental observers. The state of peace we were pushed into, made us reflect and remember. We finally got it!  
The reason why the world is in so much pain is precisely the separation conditioning. We were, by no means meant to be viewed as separate or different from one another. We were not meant to be alone. Each and every being is a prolonged, extended thread of the next and it is basically the same as the next. Only when everyone would come to realize that we are all a unifying oneness, that just came to be here to play, not to suffer the games of division, we would return to the universal beginnings of the world as we know it and only then would we know eternal peace. 


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