Fractal Design in Nature

Maths, Geometry, and Physics comprise the language understood universe-wide by every creature, plant, waterbed, even planets, and galaxies. The structure of this language is like a web holding everything, that has ever been created, together. From the threads of this web, there is an eternal creation.We actually don't have to be maths or physics prodigies in order to understand this amazing connection, we only need to look a bit closer and appreciate everything that surrounds us and is within us. Nothing has appeared randomly or by chance because there is a sacred pattern in all creation, one that is prescribing the workings and development of our macrocosm and microcosm. Maybe, by the first glance, all that has ever been created seems very complicated. Koch's snowflake equation Only if we knew that this complexity comes from an ungraspable simplicity which plays the game of imitation, repetition, and interconnectedness. That simple shape or geometric object is the mo...