Pets Spur Unconditional Love
People have quite naturally connected with other fellow humans and in the distant past, this connection wasn't overthought too much. It was easier to provide food and shelter while working together and collaborating. The harsh weather conditions were easily bearable when people had their companions by their side. Togetherness and unity were essential in the brotherhood of man as opposed to the increase of the conspicuous individuality and thus loneliness of modern days. With the rise of human Ego, the frustration of the too many high expectations from a partner rises up on the surface which leads to division in the midst of partnerships. We have slowly become blind to the primary force that drives us forward and makes us the most inspired and driven species.
We easily put connection aside because of our career-driven personality. Our love is morally conditioned, we seek convenience rather than real love and closeness. That is why the unconditional loving vibe we get from pets, even from stray animals we give just a little attention to, seems like a wonder. From our ancient beginnings, we sought this potential in animals, so we have domesticated many of them, opened our homes and hearts to them. A new kind of sacred friendship came to be. In Ancient Egypt, this closeness outweighs the mere friendship because the cats were considered to be sacred animals with healing and intuitive properties. That is why they were always side by side the Pharaoh in power. In Indian practices, the spirit animals were considered to be the ancestors, the founders or the guardians of a clan or family within Indian tribes.
In modern societies, we tend to use and exploit animals for our selfish purposes. By the way, they need so little and love so much. Their smiling, yet wise eyes are like doorways to thousands of galaxies. The wiggle of their tails is a sign of pure and unrefined joy. Their purr, their bark, their chirping is the source of the utmost healing harmony to our souls. They feel so much love and give off even more. As opposed to the public opinion, that animals live and react on pure instinct, it is the fact that they are light beings with feelings and emotions too. No wonder many people choose the companionship of an unconditionally loving pet over the many conditions a human companion has added up to their ever so full schedules. They are like radars for open hearts.

They openly feel and instantly know when a person is open and free enough, and come close to him/her without thinking twice. Maybe they haven't developed the ability to speak but they are the greatest listeners.They won't judge you, they won't interrogate you, won't interrupt you and jump in mid-sentence. All they need is your giving attention and devotion to shine. Did you know that the dog's hypothalamus produces oxytocin (the feel good hormone) which is the same hormone that your brain produces when you see your loved one. Knowing this, how can you not love them? Even more so, how can we as the ultimate exploiters, exploit them, use them for our own needs and purposes? How can we be so inconsiderate and abandon them just like that? We are the greatest ferocious beasts and predators on our planet.We always take more than we need and selfishly grab every sparkling riches we see, without a thought or two. The phrase: "You eat like an animal" or "You behave like an animal" should be taken as a compliment by us and as an insult to the animals, because they always eat only as they need, no more, no less. It doesn't have to be this way. Luckily, in these shifting times, there are numerous people who return to their heart's kindness. Step by step we start to remember the long forgotten truth that We Are One with each other and we belong to the circle of Earth's large family, and no, we are not the top of the pyramid but a part of the circle.
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