Love: the missing element

There are four main elements: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, as it was believed by the ancient Greeks in 450 BC. Each of these elements drives the moving force of life on our planet and perhaps in other corners of the widespread universe too. Another analogy can also be made with the agreement by the modern science and it states that the four elements actually coordinate with the four states of matter: gas - air, solid - earth, liquid - water and plasma - fire.
In Astrology the four elements represent the four temperaments: The Air - Logical and constantly in motion and flow, The Earth - stable, practical, grounded, The Fire - Passionate, dynamic, forceful and The Water - Emotional, calm yet with constant flow and turmoil of emotions. Later on, Aristotle suggested that there was a fifth element called aether.  In Japanese and Tibetan teachings and philosophies, the fifth element is better known as space or the void.

Now, what is this "void" filled with, I wonder? I think you are all sensing where I am getting at, right? Many of you certainly remember the classic science fiction movie from the 1997 " The Fifth Element", directed by Luc Besson and starred by Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, and Gary Oldman. It is masterfully titled this way, I must add. It takes place in quite futuristic settings in the 23rd century when, despite the flying cars, space stations and inter visits from aliens, some things still haven't changed in the functioning of human society. The hierarchy of the human governing system is the same, just developing on a much larger scale, my point being, there still isn't any equality anywhere on the horizon.

The police force is still the vehicle of transferring justice and they still answer to the higher power like generals and commandants. The so-called common folk, still live on the margins of society and have far worse living conditions in comparison to those in power. The media is still selling "Paradise" on TV screens, only these screens are more high-tech and sophisticated. The technological development, shown here, is at its peak, the renowned scientists can 3D print a whole human or alien being using only one well-preserved cell with its DNA used properly. There is one major difference made quite visible in this phenomenal movie and that is the vastness of the threat to the survival of humanity. The Evil now lurks outside the gates of Planet Earth, even though it is supported and helped by the inside job of one man in particular: the power-hungry, mafia villain Jean - Baptiste Emanuel Zorg (played by Gary Oldman). Many wise men said: "Evil is blind" and this is clearly shown by this character's ignorance to the real power and usage of the four stones he is after so zealously. Being the supporter of the opinion that the destruction brings creation and the order stem from chaos and disorder, he is shown to be only an empty, helpless, loveless vicious man. We can clearly see this in the scene where he is saved from choking by The Priest (Ian Holm who plays a very pivotal role here),
moments after he presents his destructive manifestations. " Where are your robots and gadgets to save you know," said The Priest while saving his lifeless life. What's more, Zorg doesn't know one important thing that there is another stone, another element of utmost importance for the survival of the Planet and everything in existence, maybe because the survival of his fellow humans isn't his goal after all. Without this element, the continuance of life would be incomplete or even impossible. As The Evil grows, even more, every minute, Leeloo (Mila Jovovich) and Korben (Bruce Willis) accompanied by the Priest, his son and the showman Ruby Rhod (Chris Tucker) fight their way to the underground sacred site. After a great struggle, they obtain the four stones and take them to this sacred place, where they, just like solving a puzzle, match them to the four elements. Surprisingly, soon they realize that something more important is missing. The elements are functioning on their own but they lack the capability to sustain enough force to destroy the evil. In these critical moments, Leeloo and Korben admit and make way for the greatest universal force to envelope them and catalyze the power of all the other elements.This ultimate force is Love and with Love, they destroyed all evil and with Love, we will fight against it too.


  1. Evil is mere absence of light of love..not something to be fought but something to be revealed and embraced in the dark voids of our own souls, through the reflections of others. As others are our mirrors, and we are their's..and love is the reflection of creation.

    1. Very true indeed. As we fight and restrain, more evil occur. We can not fight evil by being evil. We make peace by becoming at peace with it.


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