Healing Prayers For Mother Earth

We are honorable part of the vast family of planet Earth. We are blessed to coexist on this wonderful heaven that nurtures us and protects us. Mother Earth is also a living organism that breathes in and out with every cycle of tide assisted by her eternal and most faithful friend, the Moon. She feeds itself from the abundant cosmic energies and dresses up in the most magnificent wardrobes of nature according to the change of seasons. It has an impeccable fashion sense for that matter, and it is the most beautiful and wild, yet humble, maiden within the midst of the eight solar gentlemen. Together they perform an amazing dance amusing every single conscious living being within our galaxy and beyond.

At a distance of about 146 million km. (in early January) and 152 million km (in early July) from the Sun, it is located in the sweet-spot of our solar system, enjoying the warmth without getting burnt. She fosters more than 8.7 million species, being like a carrying mother that has developed a powerful magnetic field that protects us from the dangerous cosmic and solar radiation. But, have we done the same for her and for how long would she be able to protect herself from us?
 She had always been accepting us with wide open arms, even though often times we take her for granted, neglect her and exploit her precious resources for our own benefit. She has been here far longer than us though and has seen the death and rebirth of at least two civilizations prior to our own. With that being said, we may be her precious children, but we behave like greedy guests who never have enough of the feasts. We have drifted apart from her like confused teenagers in the prime of their youth, addressing their parents only when in need for material goods, otherwise ignoring them, without looking back to cherish the motherly love and comfort. Maybe we are still young and scattered, but we grow more as human species each day and from the height, we are gaining,  there is a disturbing view. We have caused much damage with our restlessness and carelessness, ripping her evergreen dress in pieces and leaving her with enormous scars. She has been literally losing her hair as a result of our selfish, deforesting behaviors. Her womb is in pain and bleeding, because of our destructive drilling for riches, we often forget are already within us. Her lungs are clogged because of all the poisonous gasses we somehow still emit in the 21 century.
On the bright side, her heart is still open and her mind patient as she witnesses many groups forming around the world, whose solemn purpose is to send humanity very loud appeals for each and every lost individual to return home to her with respect and appreciation. One such gathering ceremony is the Ho`oponopono healing ceremony in Hawai held earlier this year on April 21, 2017. These types of gatherings assist us to once again get to know our and Earth's healing potentials and allow us to open new windows for aerating all the blockages held within us as continuous beings of the whole that is our planet. We don't have to go to Hawai, or anywhere, to send our purest intentions to mother Earth. So, let's gather and pick ourselves up from the lowest pit we have fallen into because each of her sufferings are ours too and let's send our honest heartfelt prayers for her and our healing and well-being. "I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you."


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