Colors, Light and Energy

Our universe is like an everlasting art gallery where the stars and the planets create incredible displays, and we are like large paint brushes who paint our lives on the canvas of Planet Earth. Every living thing, every machine, every utensil, gadget, every home is a unique work of art by itself and all works of art together comprise a unity of all the color of the artist's palette. Colors are created with the tireless dance of light that bounces off of objects which then reflect it. 
The main physical characteristics of colors are the wavelength of light and the properties of the objects (like emission, light absorption) that reflect the light we then perceive as different colors.  Thus different wavelengths of light turn into the different colors we see. Now, how do we perceive colors? The spectrum of light has electromagnetic radiation that stimulates the cone cells in our eyes. The cone cells then send these stimuli to the primary visual cortex (located in the ventral occipital lobe) of the brain where the separate colors are distinguished. However, our sight is capable of perceiving a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum known as the "visible light" that ranges from 400 to 700 nanometers, where we can see violetbluegreenyelloworange and red 

ranging from the shortest to the longest wavelength. Black is actually the absence of light and white is a mix of all the colors of the visible spectrum. Interestingly, when all the colors of the visible spectrum join forces they cancel each other out and the white light emerges, but when white and black intertwine the most neutral color - gray appears. When the wavelengths of the red, black and yellow (or blue) are mixed together, they give birth to brown. 

According to the teachings of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, there are energy points better known as chakras that guide the energy from our subtle (energy) body to our physical body through the meridians (similar to the centers of our autonomous nervous system throughout the body). Each main chakra corresponds to the seven colors of the visible spectrum. 1. The First Chakra called Muladhara, root or sacral chakra resonates the color red. It is positioned at the base of the spine and it is connected to the Earth's energy.
When this energy center turns in the proper direction and it is well opened and developed we feel grounded, safe, comfortable in our physical bodies. It corresponds to the reproductive glands (testes in men, and ovary in women) secreting testosterone or estrogen.
2. The Second Chakra called Svadhishthana or sacral chakra resonates the color orange. It is a vortex positioned at the root of our reproductive organs and its flow is connected to the energy of water. In the prime of its function, we feel sexually confident, easy-going while establishing relationships, and emotionally and creatively balanced. It corresponds to the adrenal glands responsible for the immunity and metabolism.
3. The Third Chakra called Manipura or the solar plexus, navel chakra resonates the color yellow. This chakra is positioned at the naval region and it is connected to the energy of fire. When properly balanced we feel the fiery willpower, the mighty self-worth and we are able to create healthy personal boundaries. It corresponds to the pancreas which regulates the metabolism. 4. The Fourth Chakra called Anahata or the heart chakra resonates the color green. It is located next to the heart and its lofty energy connects to the energy of air. When functioning at its best we feel the universal unconditional love, connection, sense of brotherhood, compassion, and trust. It corresponds to the Thymus gland which regulates the immune system.
5. The Fifth Chakra called Vishuddha or throat chakra resonates the color blue and it is reactive to sound. When this chakra is open and vibrant we can openly express and voice our creativity, we can sound our ideas and easily indulge in communication using the language as a tool to interpret the divine will. It corresponds to the Thyroid gland that regulates body temperature and metabolism.
6. The Sixth Chakra called Ajna or the third-eye chakra resonates the color purple or indigo blue. It is reactive to the light of the soul and it is positioned between the eyebrows. When in its best behavior we feel washed over by the universal intuition, greater connection, the inner knowing and higher consciousness. On a physical level, it corresponds to the pituitary gland and the pineal gland whose hormones regulate the function of the previous five glands.
7. The Seventh Chakra called Sahasrara or crown chakra resonates the color violet or white. It is situated on the crown of the head. The openness of this chakra guides us in a world of sacred and pure awareness of the universe and the self, embellishes us with a strong spiritual connection to everything, with a sense of unity. It corresponds to the pineal gland that regulates biological cycles like the awake state and the state of sleep. 
(Sources,,,) You can learn some more in the video below. 
Colors themselves are connected to our emotional body and they have a large influence on our emotional, mental and psychological well being. For example, Red spurs love, lust, warmth, excitement, intensity. Orange interconnects with happiness, enthusiasm, sophistication, stimulation.
Yellow stimulates laughter, cheerfulness, mainly optimism, sometimes clinginess or frustration. Green incites connection with nature, health, tranquility, harmony, wealth, but dark green is often asociated with envy. Blue prompts calmness, serenity, wisdom, loyalty, but is sometimes connected to disinterested, uncaring and cold behavior. Purple (violet) stirs incliment to spirituality, prosperity, sophistication, wisdom, respect, royalty and even mystery. White usually represents cleanliness, purity, innocence, but also mourning and sickness in some cultures. Black exemplifies power, strength, authority, materialism, intelligence, but death, loss, and sadness as well. Grey being in between the two opposites, radiates a feeling of neutrality and apathy. Brown embodies grounding, comfort, stability, reliability but sometimes sadness or ignorance. (Source 
 According to the yogic teachings, we can repair and balance the function of the above-mentioned energy vortices by using different meditations for each of them separately, wearing clothes in the colors of each of them or by concentrating on the emotions each of them represents. Also, when looking at colorful pictures our over all brain activity is stimulated. There we go, these are the colors of the world we know, all of them born by the incredible mating dances of the different wavelengths of light providing us to enjoy the amazing colorful show played by the world and captured by our sight and energy centers, So what's your color? 


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