The holy power of the sound and the words
An uttered word has a magnificent power, a power we are often ignorant to. We are given the glorious ability to speak, to sing, to wield words with such ease and yet we forget about the responsibility with each and every spoken word and released sound.
Everything is created by the vibrating sound. The matter is actually energy made visible by the sound and here are the words to represent it. Within every culture and tradition, there are so many elevating practices that are well taught about the holy healing properties of the words.

A Prayer in Catholic and Orthodox Christianity represents a solemn request for assistance or expression of gratitude to God or an object of worship. In Judaism, the prayer is comprised of two aspects: kavanah (intention) and keva (the ritualistic structure elements). In Kabalah (Jewish mysticism) the series of "kavanot" is incorporated to specify the path the prayer ascends in the dialog with God. Here, there is a higher meaning and purpose of prayer assigned, where every letter of every word has a precise effect and meaning in reconstructing the fabric of the universe. In Islam, it is known as "salah" and it consists of a recitation of chapters of the "Qur`an" while praising the Lord. In Buddhism tradition (the earliest being Theravada and the later being Mahayana) a Zen prayer is used as a ritualistic expression of wishes for success in the overall practice and helping all beings. In Hinduism, the prayers are mostly chanted and directed to the highest absolute God Brahman, or to its three manifestations: the creator Brahma, the preserver Vishnu and the destroyer Shiva. In Sikhism, a Sikh prayer is performed as a plea to God before and after committing an important task. Whatever it is called, no matter its name, the prayer, especially when used as a form of faith healing, seems to have quite a positive effect in improving one's health, physical and spiritual well - being.
A Mantra is a word or a sound, a syllable, a slogan or a statement in Sanskrit, repeated frequently to help concentration in meditation, having its origins in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is believed, by practitioners that the mantra, as a sacred utterance, has potent spiritual and psychological power. The word mantra can be split into two parts::"man" which means mind and "tra" which means transporter or a vehicle. It can be better explained as an instrument of the mind used to enter a deep state of meditation or even elevation. It is a way of practicing and energizing the good intention.
More melodic synonym of mantra is The Chant which means the rhythmic speaking or singing words or sounds using one or two main pitches known as reciting tones. Chants embody the sacred sound from a simple melody to pretty complex musical structures.Here we have the Gregorian chant, the Roman chant, the Hawaiian, the African chant, as well as the chant in the Buddhist traditions, to name a few.

The ultimate Mantra is "Om" the syllable considered as a chant on its own right. It is regarded as the original sound of creation. When chanted it creates a vibration with the frequency of 432 Hz, being the exact same vibrational frequency throughout everything in nature and in the universe. By chanting it, we are tuning into that frequency and acknowledge that we are connected to everything and everyone in nature and the universe. Moreover, this vibration has a physical effect on our organism, provided that it slows down the nervous system and calms the rushing mind. As a result, the heart rate balances itself and the blood pressure decreases.
An Affirmation is another way of words presenting their magic. An Affirmation is an act or an instance of affirming, a state of being affirmed, the assertation that something exists or is true. The positive affirmation is an acknowledgment used in present tense. A practitioner of positive affirmations can be (and it already is, maybe even without knowing so) every single living human being. First, you enter a calm and motivated state and then you write down, say out loud, or silently but consciously, repeat a general truth you would like to acquire. For example you say: " I am healthy, I am happy, I am wealthy" It is very important for these affirmations to be heartfelt and convincing because firstly you need to convince your inner self that you already are the one you are striving to achieve in order to further send out this intention to the universe. Using affirmations as a self-healing, or perhaps self-helping, the method can be the most amazing medicine for free. Using this technique you can talk to your body and help your cells reorganize themselves in the benefit of your health.
As you can see the medicine is hidden within us all. When we pray, use mantras, chant, use affirmations, we are looking inside the core of our existence, we are tapping into the holiest of the holy magnificence of life. Every method or practice suits and can help us understand the sanctity of words. Use them wisely!
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