Head scratchers and mind bogglers

Have you ever felt scattered, distorted, out of time, out of place? What is all that about? What is reality? Is it real? Why does it, sometimes, feel like it is not? It feels, as if you are a part of a program which these days is lagging the hell out of its pawns. Are we, the puny little humans, only puppets in this matrix, or can we reach the level of puppet masters? Are you asleep when you are awake, or is it the other way around?
Those and gazillion questions like this are swirling around my mind like trains without tracks rushing to reach an unknown destination. I believe in one thing though, and that thing keeps me sane, grounded, and yet exhilarated. I believe that we are beings guided by frequency. We dwell on the surface picking up the frequencies which are in tune with our own. Then we become living amplifiers, whereas we amplify the frequencies which we vibrate on and are intertwined with ours. Haha, just like walking and talking radio stations, are we not? The sole realization that we emit and receive signals like that, answers all those pesky questions. It is by the way you feel you know that you are real, the point is to be present and awake while observing your inner flow while trying to wake up from the dreams that are forced upon you from society. And this my friend you achieve by noticing every single detail of your existence, by revering the chance you got to experience this state of being. 
The largest goal and life's achievement is to surpass the level of receiver, a mere consumer of everything that is constantly being funneled into your channels and to become a master projector. Yes, my friend, use your God-given sight, not just to see, but to project, project the reality you want to see. Don't just wish away, don't you dare say "I wish", instead of that say: " I am, I project, I give off such an amazing energy that powers an entire universe and becomes one with its holy vastness." So my dear readers, all my, your, everyone's conundrums are about to be resolved. In each and every one of us rests a key that unlocks all the doors, which just seem to be tightly shut by the way. So fill up your lungs with the holy ardor, breathe deeply and feel the zeal of becoming a master projector. May the right amplifiers be with you. 


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