Be your own present by being present

Moments.. Oh, so many moments intertwine with our existence.
No wonder we dwell in such a confusing state of being.
We have been programmed through all our lives to do, to behave, to act, to live by someone's
or even everyone's expectations. But, what do we expect, what kind of expectations do we incorporate in our software? Obviously, we expect that we could fill in everyone's shoes, be what everyone wants us to be. Oftentimes this is exhausting, right? Still, we are social beings and we thrive and appear complete when we belong to a certain group. And it seems wonderful, doesn't it? The acceptance fulfills us, it inspires us even, but unfortunately, it never lasts, it is never the long term solution, it blurs. The external connections fade, people come and go, life gives them different challenges that in one way or another differ from yours. Yes, different issues maybe, but certainly the same goal, happiness. 

What if I tell you we have already reached that goal? Yes, believe me, we have, but we are so scattered in our ways and we forget. What a forgetful people we are, oh boy! 
You have everything you have always wanted, actually needed,  but you take it for granted. 
Your presence, your existence, the opportunity to stand where you stand, your breath, your inner voice, your soul. Return to yourself, notice these precious gifts, because that is exactly what they are, from one life tho another. Return, and you will become your own best friend, your own inspiration, your own fountain of eternity. 

Start with noticing your breath, breathe deeply, concentrate for a few minutes, then notice, feel your whole body, feel your circulation in your arms and legs, see it flowing throughout your body. Feel the rhythm of your heart, you will be able to see and hear it slowing down, calming itself. If you concentrate well enough you will even feel and visualize the orchestra of your internal organs, playing the music of life, be grateful. Now feel how your body expands and then returns to its previous state, from gaseous to solid per se`, Feel it dematerialize, dissolve into particles and then materializes back again. Feel your hair, flowing, you will learn that it is like an antenna receiving the signals from your surroundings. Scan those signals, feel them out, but practice detachment, without judgment. 

Then become one with your surroundings, try to visualize it, without looking, close your eyes. If you try harder or give in easier actually, you will soon be able to detach yourself from your body and see it from above. Just look at your vessel, no analyzing, again, no judgment. This way you can even spread yourself and become one with your entire neighborhood, town, country, the world, and even the universe. See, you can fly, float and swim at the same time. :) In the end, you slowly return to your vessel, feeling full of harmony and expanded energy. 
Having this experience, you realize that there is nothing more important than being here and now. So, be present my friend, be your own treat, your own present. 


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