
Showing posts from June, 2017

A Letter of Gratitude

To : All- seeing, All-knowing Creator of everything in the Universe Sender's Address : My lovely home Planet Earth Topic : Immense Gratitude Dear Creator I am writing you in order to reply to your calling. I am deeply grateful for each and every opportunity I have had. Thank you for giving me this body which I hope I do my best to keep healthy, furthermore, thank you for showing me ways how. Thank you for sharing a small piece of consciousness from you within my soul, I hope I do you justice. Thank you for creating my lovely home, Planet Earth and thank you for providing me with space for myself and an opportunity to make a living here.Thank you for my lovely and caring family who helped me, and is still helping me, find the right way and who have never stood in my way on the path of self-realization. Many thanks for my life partner and the best roommate so far, my husband, with whom I don't just share a home, but a large part of my life. Keep him s...

False Ego Masquerade

Pretense, so much pretense is engulfing us as human beings. So many layers upon layers build up covering our true selves. We can not thrive well enough because of all the veils we have lifted inside and out. Why is it so hard for us to be real with ourselves, to be real to our kindred spirits without having the ego trapping us. What are we afraid of? Is it the fear that our true self is a monstrous, selfish, nonempathetic, impulsive beast? Is that all that is left of us? We seem to be so different, even more,  we desperately try to differ from one another following too many ideologies, but who's to say what (whose) belief is the true belief. Maybe we have been given the same basic code of DNA but just to make things more interesting countless combinations have been made possible. And with that thought in mind, we feel so lost on our own given terrain. I often wonder, do we intentionally try to complicate things by lying, pretending, covering up, hiding behind our s...

Enter the Game of Life

Our society is full of imposed rules and regulations. You always have to belong to a certain institution, follow an established direction. It seems that you are expected to answer to the systems of the society for all your needs and behaviors. Everything in our, so called, modern lives seem in such an intricate order. Have you noticed the look of the cities from a bird's eye view? When you look more closely and squint your eyes a bit, you notice they look like something very familiar very tech and symbolic to the modern day society. They look like a motherboard of a computer. Funny, isn't it? Even the way our biological lifespan follows a certain pattern. We begin at Level 1 - Birth . You come to this world with an amnesia-like condition. You are unaware of anything and anyone prior to this point of arrival. Once you are at this doorstep you can say that you have solemnly earned the right to become a player in the game called life. This is the purest, the most lo...

Do we live in a lucid dream of collective consciousness?

         "The world exists only as a dream in my consciousness" - Nisargadatta Maharaj Perhaps the dream is as real as the realest reality we think we live in. Do we unintentionally project this reality through dreaming, or are we dwelling in a collective consciousness dream? Does everyone and everything somehow contributes to the patterns and creations of the existence itself? One more swirling question: Aren't all these questions sending you into a state of mild drowsiness and making you experience the Theta Brain Waves of the dreaming state? If so, congratulations and welcome to the club! May we dream the dream of our lives and live the life of our dreams! As you surrender into this soothing state, you start feeling very light, even weightless. You have certainly noticed that your soft bed, fluffy pillow, warm, comfy blanket, everything that comprises your lovely cradle, that takes you in, in the most tiresome moments, accepts you as you are, ...

Seven Dreaming Travel Destinations

There is a way of travelling without leaving anywhere, without making a move. All you need is to close your eyes and get on the groovy night train or plane or bicycle, whatever your traveling preferences. All aboard!? Good! First and foremost, dreaming is a state in which we browse through our minds to dig out and review the memories of the day and classify them by importance and relevance. Therefore, even when we are asleep, our mind is at work. Hereby, the busiest employee within you is your subconscious mind. It works after hours when everything else is closed. To communicate with the owner of the traveling company (thus you) it uses a creative code of symbols and metaphors and it is mostly glad to receive the award for the best problem-solving employee in the history of thinking. So, there, you have just met the personal driver of your personal trip. Now let us look into a few destinations in our dreams it can take you to, and these, believe me, are limitless. You ...

The Troubling Fellowship Face Off

                                   Once upon a time, not so long ago a meeting was held at the Council of Consciousness.  Many people came knocking on this door. Out of the storm, looting inside and out, one by one they came and joined the meeting. What a sight it was to see all of them together in such a spacious vastness of a room with slightly dimmed lights and a few mirrors. First came the little buddy Fright to theEAR, scared of everything and everyone, of every sight and every sound. He was afraid to even pass the threshold of this Council. He was fidgeting for a while when suddenly the little ANXina ETYna pushed him inside, rushing around the hall, looking for a place to fit her dissonant nature and endeavors. Soon after, riding a lightning through the window, in came the big, fluffy ANdy GERtinson. ANXina was too much for him and she made him furious...